Why you want to improve your smile??
A smile is the prettiest thing that you can wear on different occasions...
your smile shows the level of your strength...
You have a beautiful smile through which you Can hide so many feelings like your fear, your nervousness, your sadness and your heartbreak. so your smile has different meanings like...
When you are with your friends then your crazy smile looks like this one
When you are worried about your love-ones then your smile for their support looks like this one
when you are enjoying in the rain your smile looks like this one
When you all fall silent and savour the memories then your smile looks like
When you are enjoying your dreams, your sleepy smile looks like this one
When you look at the strangers and to make them feel comfortable you use a fake smile for those strangers, who are walking towards you in the street? He may be on his way to commit suicide. Your smile may, quite literally, save his life. Be brave. Take a chance. Smile.
When you are exploring yourself and the nature your smile looks like this one
When you are enjoying your own company then you smile like this girl
When you want to show the world that you are strong by hiding your pain then you smile by this way..
So at the last, I want to say that.. smile is an interesting and powerful thing
so let your smile change the world.. do not let the world to change your smile.. :) :) :)
Thanks, readers.
Authur: Deeba Butt
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