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Youth of Pakistan

Voice of Youth :

Pakistan is a developing country, which is facing many issues related to terrorism, target killing, economic crisis, and disunity. The youth of Pakistan makes only 35% of the total population but they are passionate to bring the revolution and they will bring it.
Image result for youth of pakistan

Talented Youth:
The 35 percent population of Pakistan is young and talented. They have wings to fly in the open sky, if they gain the opportunity. They can bring more novel and innovative ideas than a matured person, due to their passion towards work. From medicine to engineering to art to film to politics; you will not find a single place, where young talent is not promoting. Every day they bring new ideas in debates, magazine, business, events and social relations etc

Power to speak:
.In Pakistan the authorities start supporting the youth to come up to high level and speak louder with their talent. It is the youth who has a thirst for knowledge and who can analyze the situation with a different dimension. The youth of Pakistan wants to show the world the brighter side of Pakistan and one day they will succeed.. InahaaAllah..

Author: Deeba BuTT


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